JD's Jokes now has a short URL that you can easily remember, http://embark.to/jdsjokes. The Funny Videos section has been updated, so go check it out.
There have been so many updates I don't know where to start! Well, the Funny Videos section is up and running again. From now on though, you have to click on a movie, then you will be taken to another page, from which you can download the video. JD's Jokes now has a Daily Cartoon.The counter was incredibly screwed up, but I finally got it working again. JD's Jokes also has a Guestbook.Last, but not least, I have added a Games Section, where you can play some free games until your fingers tingle and your neck burns (not literally:).
I restructured the site a little. The videos section is down at the moment because fortunecity has changed the rules for web hosting, but I'm trying to find an alternative.
Well, I haven't updated the news section in a while, but things have been happening. I added a quiz section We have more jokes in all the sections. I've been trying to find a nice backgrounnd, but as of yet haven't had any luck.
A few things have been added. There is now a Funny Videos section up and running. I decided to change the JD's logo around a bit, adding some colors to it's look.
This is JD's Jokes first official news report. The sites been up for about a week now, and I've begun adding more and more content, including a news section. The whole idea of this site is for fun. So, if your one of those people, and you know who you are, that will get upset or offended by good old fashion jokes you should probably just leave now. For everyone else, enjoy the site, and keep coming back for more!